Special Education District of McHenry County, Logo
(815) 338-3622


Executive Board

The seven-member, SEDOM Executive Board, is composed of superintendents and lay board members from the cooperative's member districts. Board members serve a three-year term. The Executive Board meets monthly and provides for the overall operation of SEDOM and all programs, including all SEDOM staff, school facilities, transportation, equipment, and materials. Policies for the operation of SEDOM are developed and approved by the Executive Board.

Governing Board

The SEDOM Governing Board consists of seventeen members comprised of a board member from each of the eleven-member districts.  The SEDOM Governing Board meets twice each year in March for a review of Programs and Services and in August for a review and approval of the budget.

The next meeting of the SEDOM Governing Board will be on March 3, 2019, at 7:00pm in the SEDOM Center Gym.

The following goals and related activities for 2018-19 which are in support of the vision and mission and related to the function of S.E.D.O.M. as outlined in the Articles of Joint Agreement have been recently discussed by the Governing Board, Executive Board, and the McHenry County P.P.S. Directors:

  1. Enhance local capacity for meeting the needs of unique learners.
    Quarterly networking meetings for related and itinerant services.
    • Schedule of countywide professional development identified in the FY18 needs assessment.
    • Provide training at the local district level as requested.
    • Increase opportunities for coaching based support
  2. Provide resources to support local initiatives.
    Maintain a lending library of specialized equipment and testing materials.
    • Provide CPI training as requested by districts.
    • Respond to requests for resources, consultation, and technical assistance.
    • Provide access to supervision in specialized areas of educational services.
  3. Ensure a meaningful relationship between SEDOM and its member districts.
    • Maintain regular communication with the Executive Board, Superintendents and PPS Directors/Coordinators regarding legal, procedural and reporting requirements
    • Maintain regular communication with the Executive Board, Superintendents and PPS Directors/Coordinators regarding fiscal, facility and educational services information
  4. Provide responsible direction and planning for the future of the organization.
    • Continue to monitor the implementation of the restructure of SEDOM.
    • Develop a framework for communication with member and non-member districts in McHenry County regarding potential areas of mutual collaboration.

Meeting Dates

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Governing Board of Directors Meeting 
The Governing Board of Directors Meeting will begin at 7:00pm.

Monday, August 26, 2019
Committee of the Whole/Executive Board Meeting
Committee of the Whole meetings will begin at 1:30pm & Executive Session meetings will begin at 2:00pm.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Committee of the Whole/Executive Board Meeting
Committee of the Whole meetings will begin at 1:30pm & Executive Session meetings will begin at 2:00pm.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Committee of the Whole/Executive Board Meeting
Committee of the Whole meetings will begin at 1:30pm & Executive Session meetings will begin at 2:00pm.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Committee of the Whole/Executive Board Meeting
Committee of the Whole meetings will begin at 1:30pm & Executive Session meetings will begin at 2:00pm.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Committee of the Whole/Executive Board Meeting
Committee of the Whole meetings will begin at 1:30pm & Executive Session meetings will begin at 2:00pm.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Committee of the Whole/Executive Board Meeting
Committee of the Whole meetings will begin at 1:30pm & Executive Session meetings will begin at 2:00pm.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Committee of the Whole/Executive Board Meeting
Committee of the Whole meetings will begin at 1:30pm & Executive Session meetings will begin at 2:00pm.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Governing Board of Directors Meeting
The Governing Board of Directors Meeting will begin at 7:00pm.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020
The Committee of the Whole scheduled for 1:30 PM on Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 at the SEDOM Center in Woodstock has been cancelled.
The next Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for 1:30pm on Tuesday, April 28th, 2020 at the SEDOM Center in Woodstock.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The Committee of the Whole Meeting has been cancelled.
The Executive Board meeting will begin at 2:00pm, however, all board members will be participating by remote means. Dr. Burns will be available at the SEDOM Center to ensure compliance with the Open Meetings Act. Any individual that would like to provide a statement or comment to be read during the public comment section of the meeting may send me an email to tburns@sedom.org prior to the meeting to ensure that they are able to access the meeting or to ensure that their comment is read. The meeting will be recorded to ensure compliance with the OMA.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Committee of the Whole Meeting has been cancelled.
The Executive Board meeting will begin at 2:00pm, however, all board members will be participating by remote means. Dr. Burns will be available at the SEDOM Center to ensure compliance with the Open Meetings Act. Any individual that would like to provide a statement or comment to be read during the public comment section of the meeting may send me an email to tburns@sedom.org prior to the meeting to ensure that they are able to access the meeting or to ensure that their comment is read. The meeting will be recorded to ensure compliance with the OMA.

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020
The Committee of the Whole Meeting has been cancelled.
The Executive Board meeting will begin at 2:00pm, however, all board members will be participating by remote means. Dr. Burns will be available at the SEDOM Center to ensure compliance with the Open Meetings Act. Any individual that would like to provide a statement or comment to be read during the public comment section of the meeting may send me an email to tburns@sedom.org prior to the meeting to ensure that they are able to access the meeting or to ensure that their comment is read. The meeting will be recorded to ensure compliance with the OMA.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Committee of the Whole/Executive Board Meeting
Committee of the Whole meetings will begin at 1:30pm & Executive Session meetings will begin at 2:00pm.

Executive Board Members

Name / District

Began on Board:

Term Expires:

Dr. Linda Dujmovich, Board Secretary
Marengo Community High School District # 154



Ms. Lea Damisch, Board President
Marengo-Union District # 165



Mr. Bryan Millard - Vice President
Riley CCSD 18



Dr. Debbie Ehlenburg
Alden-Hebron School District 19



Ms. Cathy Neiss
Johnsburg School District 12



Ms. Karen Parks
Harrison School District 36



Dr. Ryan McTague
McHenry High School District #156



Governing Board of Directors



B.O.E. Members



Ms. Elke Kleisch

Johnsburg (Unit)


Cathy Neiss

McHenry Elem.



Riley Elem.


Anita Mitchell

Alden-Hebron (Unit)


Shannon Combs

Harrison Elem.


* Karen Parks

Harvard (Unit) 50 Julie Lehmann
Marengo H.S. 154 * Dr. Linda Dujmovich
McHenry H.S. 156 Timothy Hying
Richmond Burton H.S. 157 Dave Thomas
Marengo-Union Elem. 165 Barb Dochtermann

* Denotes Executive Board Members